Dota Underlords will leave Early Access next week at the beginning of the first season for iOS and Android - Data

A recently published blog post of Valve has announced that Data Underlords Early Access leave in 5 days and then start the first season. It is currently available for both iOS and Android in beta form.

You have described detailed what changes will be included in the game, and what to participate in the beta at this time. The Underlord rank of each player is gently reset. You keep your main launch, but your minor rank is reset to 1. This affects standard, duos and knockout.

If the game Early Access officially leaves, there is a new standard playboard with another five that can be activated. However, if a player has reached level 5 in the protopass, he can also use the two boards found in the beta.

In addition, the beta season players from level 5 next to a golden Ricky Ravenhook-Board-Requisite receive the path to Sunbreeze and Streets of White Spire boards. In addition, you will receive a posters title desired by the beta season.

Board props and titles are two of the new features that are added to the game at startup. They serve as a way to adapt their loadout. Players who buy the Battle Pass will be available to a stone version of Ricky Ravenhook.

Sought posters can now be adapted in addition to the boards themselves. By reaching successes, players receive more titles while poster graphics can be activated via the Battle Pass and City Crawl.

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Dota Underlords is now available on both websites Appstore and Google Play in beta-shape, so you can download it now before the first season starts next week. It is a free game.

Especially in Dota Underlords? Here are some tips that will make you easier to get started
