REPLACED: 2021 E3 Trailer East Void is ready to listen

THE SINKING CITY Walkthrough Gameplay Part 1 - INTRO (PROLOGUE) You can only submit entirely new text for analysis once every 7 seconds.

REPLACED is a retro futuristic 2.5D action platform in which you as r.e.a.c.h. Plays - an artificial intelligence captured against your own will in a human body. Replaced combines cinematic platform, pixel art and free-flow action struggles with a deep, captivating dystopic story that plays in the alternatives of 1980s. REPLACED E3 Trailer Official East - Void: Discover the dark secrets of Phoenix City and defines your common future in Replaced, which appears 2022 for Xbox Series X / S, Xbox One, Xbox Game Pass for Consoles and Xbox Game Pass for PC.
