Marvel s Avengers: Despite other promises - Square Enix leads XP

This week, the multiplayer title Marvel s Avengers not only found the way into the Xbox Game Pass. In addition, there was a small innovation on all platforms, with which the developers of Crystal Dynamics currently make little friends.

The speech is of so-called XP boosters, which can only be purchased against credits. And as we know, credits are merely against real money over the virtual billboard. Not too big for yourself. However, Square Enix and the developers of Crystal Dynamics are currently recalled by the players to a promise issued in 2019 before the release of Marvel s Avengers .

Additional XP and resources against real money

Our promise to the community is that we will have no random lootboxes or pay-to-win scenarios, it was short and scarce. After the responsible persons of Square Enix and Crystal Dynamics were celebrated by the players for this promise, this statement is currently charged to them.

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With the freshly introduced boosters, it is possible to temporarily increase the number of XP and resources that are collected in Marvel s Avengers and to get a small advantage over users who have no interest in investing real money . Accordingly, many players are called to boycott the boosters.

Marvel s Avengers is available for PC, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X / S, and Stadia.

Source: Videogames Chronicle

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