NCsoft Lineage W , Global Dictionary Reserves 13 million

Peter Fox (born September 3, 1971 in West Berlin as Pierre Baigorry) is a German dancehall and hip-hop musician. He is one of the two front men of the band Seed.

[Data provided: NCsoft]

\ - Standing in advance 2 months in two months ...

\ - The 9th Dictionary Character Name of the 9th Dictionary Character in the Official Homepage

NCsoft said that the global dictionary reservation of the new multi-platform MMORPG has exceeded 13 million today (18th).

Yen is undergoing a global advance reservation promotion since August 19th. After the start of the promotion, the two months of the two months ago, a dictionary (18th) has achieved 13 million in advance reservation. MMORPG is the highest pre-reservation record of the genre of genre.

Yen started on October 16, launching the ninth World Zhou and started the 9th Dictionary Character name preemption event. The user can defeat the desired classes and character names on official homepages from October 25 to 00 (Korea). The character name exists only one in the World (12 servers).

will start Global Services on November 4. Detailed information can be found in official homepage .
