FIFA 22: Why Tik-Tok

They show us how to get in FIFA Ultimate Team allegedly for little coins expensive player cards or gain games through bugs. The speech is from TikTok trends. Last but not least, a video showed on this platform, as games could be broken without defeat. For many a gift, thus in the Weekend League 16 wins and the highest rewards to get hold of.

The receipt followed, however, promptly, because EA SPORTS remained unnoticed this bustle. In the end, the company bothered 30,000 players.

The latest trend: the Walkout Glitch. According to a Together, everyone gets a guaranteed Walkout, who builds a bad team, then click on the goalkeeper and then switches to the club. He repeats this step five to six times and then sells the card by quick sale everything is done. Only pull the gold pack.

The Cover For Fifa 22 (tiktok)

Sounds absurd and it is too. As it turns out, it was a joke, but seemingly many fell in, because: The complaints about the video were great.

These two examples alone show that such trends are caution to enjoy and acknowledge illegal actions as well as the No-Loss Glitch. Why is there anyway and again trends, and how do I recognize that you are serious? Among other things, the Team allegedly ESPORT-TALK employed.

Reach without effort

Basically, someone can achieve a big mass without reach and influence the market, explains the Trader Jan 'Gaming' Bergmann. Why this can be so easy, is for its trader colleague, Sasha 'NotItififa' Braining er, on the hand:

If you simply roll up on TikTok and looks at things, the algorithm understands that. Look only for five seconds a FIFA video know: You look FIFA. But not only that: he also closes which target group could be interested in it and suggests this more often.

Curse and blessing at the same time, because: On the one hand, Content Creator will be pushed with helpful videos that may go down on other platforms. On the other hand, this also offers nutrient for those who want to generate clicks and range with fake tips.

Looking behind the scenes

They then use the anonymity, unlike on Twitch, where a person usually occurs. So how can it be assessed if a video with tips on Ultimate Team is serious or not?

For Braining, in the case of the career is important: A good trader defines itself over time. If a guide is called a guide, the viewer should not immediately grab the controller and imitate it. Instead, there is a look deeper in the account. Has he posted content over a longer period of time who helped users?

If the video is actually a one-day fly and also about the creator nothing known, caution is required. Many traders therefore offer the opportunity to ask about a discord server. There can also be clarified whether the maker understands something of matter or is just on reach.
