The director of Elden Ring explains why he has no rings to use
Despite the name Anglo de Elder by Banzai NAMC and fromSoftware will not have any real portable ring in the video game when it is launch on February 25 for PlayStation 5, PlayStation 4, Xbox One and PC Xbox. As for why this is why the previous developer video games, in fact, included portable rings, Anglo by Elder The director Hideaway Miyazaki recently explained to Border magazine that basically reduced to want to make the rings really stand out in title.
There are a couple of reasons for this election, said Miyazaki to the magazine, as shared online by Caltech. The first is that, yes, we explore the rings a lot as equipped elements in our previous games, Dark Souls, in particular, and talismans this time allowed us to address those ideas differently, with a greater variety of designs. The second reason is that, of course, the rings exist as 'physical' finger rings in this game, but more like unique elements that are involved in the history and events of unique characters. So we wanted them to have a special positioning within the world. From Elder Ring and also be something different from the point of view of design in relation to talismans.
In other words, allowing the rings to be equipped elements in Anglo de Elder would have diluted the power and importance of them in the history of the video game. At least, that is, according to Miyazaki. And it seems that talismans will greatly provide benefits similar to the rings in the previous sets of fromSoftware, so there is nothing really lost there mechanically.
Anglo de Elden is currently scheduled to launch for PlayStation 5, PlayStation 4, Xbox Series X, Xbox SERIES S, XBOX ONE and PC on February 25. You can check all our previous coverage of the new so expected video game of fromSoftware right here.
What do you think about what we have heard? Anglo de Elden So far? Are you looking forward to learning more about the video game in the near future? Let us know in the comments or do not hesitate to contact me directly on Twitter in @rollinbishop to talk about everything related to the games.
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