EndGame Edition puts the cost in the costumes

It's exciting week for Marvel's Avengers. Black Panther and the War for Wakanda extension came out, a new Captain America's inspired Captain Hire has been published for Cap Hand, and there is also a new edition of the game, but it looks a bit like a catch.

Before the release of Marvel's Avengers, Crystal Dynamics was determined to make their own trick and not look like the Super popular superheroes of the MCU, but it's apparently finished. There is a pile of costumes inspired by MCU movies and there is now a new edition called Marvel's Avengers: Endgame Edition.

The price of the standard edition fell to $ 39.99, but the EndGame edition now costs $ 59.99. Is it worth it anyway? Well, it contains all the free content published for the game so far, as well as eight outfits you should otherwise buy with credits in the game.

Avengers Endgame Final Battle with Thanos - Assemble - 4K

The outfits supplied with the EndGame edition are the endgame costumes for Black Widow and HawKeye, Iron Man's Bleeding Edge Armor, Gladiator Hulk, Ultimate Patriot Resistance from Captain America, Look Thor's Young, the Advanced Outfit Ms. Marvel and the Hawkingbird hold of Kate Bishop.

All these outfits are exotic, legendary or epic rarity, so get them all would cost a large amount of credits. That being said, are they worth the extra $ 20? Good question. The current owners of the game can buy these costumes for a set of $ 20. Unfortunately, it does not seem that players like your old Zane friend who already have one or two of these costumes would get any discount for the purchase of the rest.

Marvel's Avengers: Endgame Edition is now available, but you should probably buy the standard edition for less. Marvel's Avengers is available on PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X | S and Stadia.

Would you get the EndGame edition for the additional $ 20? Let us know in the comments below.

Look too
