What if…? Episode 3 is daring, but hurried

The following episode contains spoilers of what if episode 3 ...?

Marvel WHAT IF Episode 3 Breakdown & Ending Explained Review | MCU Easter Eggs & Things You Missed Another episode of Marvel and if ...? He fell this week and has left the fans feeling sad, confused and angry at the same time. As promised, this week's episode also explores a history of Marvel's cinematographic universe, but it changes a very crucial detail that leads to a world very different from the Marvel fanatics have become accustomed. This week, the episode (spoiler alert) ended with most of the original avengers, which makes it the most daring and dark episode so far.

Episode 3, What if ...? Did the world lose their heroes more powerful? It forces fans to think what would happen if Nick Fury could not gather the team of heroes stronger, because they all fell dead. From Iron Man to Thor, when some of the most important names of the MCU die, the fans are shocked, to say the least. But, even though it is a powerful premise, the concept was run pretty badly, and the responsibility fell mainly in the short time of what if's execution time ...? Episodes

Related: What would happen if ... of Marvel? The writer clarifies a certain hole in the Star-Lord plot

While the first two episodes of what if ...? Focused mainly on a single hero, episode 3 brought to the avengers to his redil. It was interesting that Marvel will explore different ...
