How to move between date

With the release of Patch 6.18 on July 5, 2022, Cross Data Center Travel was finally added to the game. This function allows players to play with friends and strangers outside the data centers. Below we described in detail how exactly you can move between the Data Centers in FFXIV.

How to move between Data Centers in FFXIV

Unlike traveling through the world, traveling to the data center should be carried out from the character selection screen. So, the first step is to download the Final Fantasy XIV and click the character’s right-button with which you want to go on a trip to the Data Center. It will cause the subcard . In this menu, select Visit another date center .

This will cause a new menu that will allow you to choose in which center of data processing and the world you want to go. After confirmation, you will get on a short boot screen. This loading screen is associated with the total workload at the entrance to the system, therefore, if the data center has a lot of plugs, a trip to the data center will take more time.

Traveling by the Date Center is limited by the data center in your current region. This means that, unfortunately, it is impossible to travel between regions such as North America and Japan.

Return from the trip to the Date Center in Final Fantasy XIV

To return to your own data processing center, you need to return to the character selection screen and again go through this process manually. You cannot cancel the trip to the data processing center during the download screen.

Features of a trip to the data processing center

The players who have visited the new data center have a new title on the sign with the name. This is similar to the title Wanderer that appears when you travel to other worlds in the data center. This title traveler will be displayed during the performance of duties and when interacting with the outside world.

While in another data processing center, you can communicate with friends, fulfill duties and continue to fulfill quests.

restrictions on traveling data centers in FFXIV

Creation and collection

  • Legendary and untouched collection nodes are not available.


  • Servants cannot be called, hired or released.
  • You cannot put up items for sale on a trading platform.

Free companies

  • Free companies cannot be created or attached.
  • Free information about the company cannot be viewed.
  • Loans of the company cannot be earned.
  • Free corporate chat cannot be used to send and receive messages.

Linkshells and inter-world Linkshells

  • Linkshell information cannot be viewed.
  • Linkeshels cannot be created or united.
  • Linkeshels cannot be used to send or receive messages.
  • Linkshels between worlds cannot be formed.
  • You can still join the inter-world shells of links, but not more than eight such shells for each data center.
  • Travelers cannot be increased to masters of inter-world formations in the target data center.
  • Linkelles between worlds in different data centers cannot be used to send or receive messages.


  • You cannot view scholarship information and cannot join scholarships in different data centers.


  • You can not buy at home, estates or apartments.
  • Joint accommodation is not available.

Eternal connection


  • Eternal communication ceremony is not available.
  • Quests Eternal Communication are not available.
  • Invitations at the ceremony cannot be offered to players in other data centers.


  • In Gold Saser, you can’t participate in Lord of Verminion tournaments, you can not participate in Triple Triad tournaments, and the Jumbo Cactpot tickets cannot be bought or used.
  • Deep Dungeon results will not be saved on the lists of leaders.
  • The rating matches of the PVP Crystalline Conflict are not available, and the PVP command cannot be formed, join them or communicate with them in a chat.

Delivery Service Muglov

  • Moogle delivery service is not available, and you cannot receive messages or buy items.


  • Eternity rings from Ceremonies of Eternal Bonding will only work if both players are in the same world.
  • You can use the etherite pendulum to teleport to the nearest ethere only if both players are in the same world.
  • You can teleport to a friend’s estate only when you are in his native world.

New and preferred world bonuses

  • You will not get bonuses for experience for visiting a new or preferred world.

To find out more news and information about the Final Fantasy XIV, read the article Everything that is added in the Patche 6.18 Final Fantasy XIV in the game manuals for professionals.
