SK C & C data center fire. Why is Naver and Kakao can't be Kakao?

On the 15th, Aka service failure continues due to the SK C & C Pang yo Data Center fire, and even though the same data center is used, Never and Aka's service recovery response is drawn to the other reason.

Never has been steadily preparing for dualization of major services, so that the normalization of the service could be quickly achieved even in one data center failure. Aka is dividing data to multiple data centers and has a dualization system, but it takes a long time to apply it.

With this fire, Never did not have some functions such as news service comments, smart stores, and shopping live, but this service itself did not become a long time like KakaoTalk. The news follow function is still being inspected, but shopping live has been restored three hours after the failure, and the smart store has been recovered last night.

In the case of KakaoTalk, the text message transmission and reception and PC version login function were restored on the 16th, but the image and video message transmission and reception at 1 pm have not worked. KakaoTalk's longest time disorder, users are raising their voices, saying that KakaoTalk, a national service, was insufficient to respond to disasters.

■ Aka There is a dualization system, but it takes a long time to apply

Nam Gung-hoon and Hong Sub-task, the representative of Aka, said, It is difficult to supply the data center immediately to the data center, so the disability is delayed. It takes a long time.

At the same time, it is unusual for the entire data center to be affected by this, and it takes a long time to apply the measures.

According to the notice, Aka is dividing data to various data centers in Korea and has a dualization system. But it takes a long time to apply it. It is pointed out that the dualization system, which can be prepared for the emergency disaster system, was insufficient.

Fortunately, it is unlikely that user data is lost separately from Aka's service failure. Yang Hypnoses, head of Aka ER, said, Aka's data is distributed, and the system is dualized, so the possibility of data loss is 0%.


** ■ Never, in preparation for the dual service of the service...

In the case of Never, it has been preparing for the dualization of services to reduce the impact of disaster occurrence. In addition, Never places the main service server in its own data center 'angle' located in Luncheon and distributes some services in Pang yo. Never is also starting to start the 'Sejong' service, the second data center in the first half of next year.

An official of Never said, We are steadily preparing for IDC disorders through major service dualization and dualization, and we have less impact on disasters because we are distributing and backing up service components. It was possible to restore the service smoothly.

Never announced on November 16 that some functional errors such as search, news, shopping, cafés, blogs, series on, open talk, and smart store center will be restored. However, the company added, Search functions are usually in normal operation, but Minor exposure and ranking changes due to some index omissions can occur.
